Line edits are an essential style edit. Some editors refer to these as copy edits. Line edits primarily focus on your word choice, word usage, flow, pacing, and structure of your sentences. If you said the word tepid twice in three paragraphs, a line edit will catch it.

Changes are made in-text via Word’s Track Changes. Please send your manuscript as a Word or Google Doc, 12 pt, Times New Roman, 1" margins, double spaced.

If you have questions about our process or one of our editors, please email us at!

Meet the Editors

Veronica Vega

Veronica Vega

Veronica Vega is a sensitivity reader and copyeditor who has worked with bestselling authors and novice writers. Her experience as a freelancer has led her to work with major publishing houses like Penguin Random House, Tor, and Bloomsbury Press in various genres, including Young Adult, Romance, Literary Fiction, and YA. Read More

Literary Fiction  Women’s Fiction  Young Adult  Mystery  Paranormal  Science Fiction 
Al Ross

Al Ross

Al Ross is a writer and story editor from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia who jumped into story-telling early as a teenage Dungeon Master and never looked back. When not editing, writing, pitching or producing you can find Al at home weaving, listening to podcasts or watching reality TV with their fluffy grey cat Duchess and hamster Frisbee.

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Any kind of romance/erotica with dubious or lack of consent
April Jones

April Jones

April Jones has read, written, or edited her way through dozens of fictional worlds. When she’s not working as a teacher or freelance editor, she spends her time pretending to practice Korean by binge watching Korean dramas. She received her bachelors in English and her M.F.A. in creative writing.

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Fantasy  YA fantasy  regency romance  mythology-based stories  magical realism  paranormal romance  travel-based stories 
Carrie Jacks

Carrie Jacks

Carrie loves the entire process of publishing a novel—from developing that brand new, exciting idea to formatting the words to look perfect on the page.She is sometimes intimidated by editing her own words, but she loves to read other writers’ works in progress to help make them the best they can be. Read More

Young Adult  Fantasy  Dystopian  Romcom 
Dark Horror  Heavy Sci-Fi  Erotica 
Thais Carreira Afonso

Thais Carreira Afonso

Thais is an Associate Agent with Azantian Literary Agency. She has eight years of experience in publishing between Brazil, China, and the United States. More recently, she interned at Writers House, where she honed her skills while supporting the desks of Amy Berkower and Johanna Castillo, and she was mentored by Jennifer Azantian before stepping up to the Associate Agent role at ALA. Read More

Erotica  Literary Fiction  Queer Romance  Romance  fantasy  women's fiction  upmarket  contemporary 
Rochelle Burnside

Rochelle Burnside

Rochelle is an editor who enjoys stories in any medium, from novels to video games to fine art. She’s worked on the editorial teams of several magazines, compiling sci-fi/fantasy short stories with Leading Edge and nonfiction travel articles with Stowaway.

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Fantasy  Science Fiction  Young Adult  Nonfiction 
Nicole Hawken

Nicole Hawken

Nicole is a passionate storyteller and consumer of stories in every form. As a neuro-spicy writer and editor, she vehemently believes audiobooks count as reading and is willing to arm-wrestle anyone who disagrees. Nicole particularly loves helping authors build complex worlds and develop compelling, authentic characters. Read More

Stefanie Molina

Stefanie Molina

Stefanie Molina (she/her) is a literary agent representing exclusively BIPOC and other marginalized authors. At Salt & Sage, she’s a sensitivity reader who’s obsessed with learning and sharing knowledge, and often finds herself on mental tangents without any idea how she arrived there… Stefanie treasures the endless love and excitement authors have for their work. Read More

Fantasy  Historical fantasy  Historical Fiction  Cozy Mysteries  Romcoms  Middle Grade  YA  Urban fantasy  Romance  Thriller  Mystery  Mythology  Contemporary 
Erin Olds

Erin Olds

Erin (she/her) is an experienced developmental and line editor with two secret skills: decreasing word count while retaining voice, and figuring out the one thing that needs to shift in order to make a story truly excellent. She loves working with beginner writers on craft and with experienced authors on in-depth skills like objective correlatives, theme, misbeliefs, and character arcs. Read More

Fantasy  Historical  Middle Grade  YA  Magical Realism  Cozy  Paranormal  Mystery 
Slasher Horror 
Cameron Van Sant

Cameron Van Sant

Cameron Van Sant is an editor who wants to see every writer succeed. He has experience editing creative works, professional reports, and academic writing.

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Science fiction  fantasy  young adult  romance  drama  comics 
Mandy Ballard

Mandy Ballard

Mandy (she/her) is a skilled developmental, line editor, and book coach who has worked with both traditional and indie bestsellers, taught at multiple writing conferences, and has a soft spot for beginning writers. Her cozy approach comes through in every edit; if you’re looking for an editor who is 100% on your team, Mandy is the editor for you! Read More

YA contemporary  YA Speculative  YA Fantasy  YA Sci-Fi  Dystopian  Magical Realism  Alternate History  Post-Apocalyptic  Steampunk  Contemporary Romance  Paranormal Romance  Romcom  Middle Grade  Adult  Literary  Women's Fiction  Inspirational Non-Fiction  Personal Development 
Slasher horror  Erotica  Regency Romance 

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