It's our fourth birthday!

  • Mar 15, 2023
  • 5 minute read

Welcome to our annual price update and birthday blog!


  1. New rates are in the table below
  2. Prices go into effect on Monday, April 16, 2023
  3. Courses and events are coming soon
  4. We now offer video chats

It sounds sappy, but we’re serious. You are our heart.

You are the reason we are where we are today. We could never have imagined we would be here, but because of the enormous buy-in and faith of authors, publishers, and creators like you, the name Salt and Sage Books has become synonymous with creatives who are deeply invested in representation, diversity, and inclusion.

We cannot imagine a better group of people with whom to work. Thank you, truly. It gives all of us at Salt and Sage deep joy to know how many of you are working towards a future where our fictional worlds are just as diverse as our real one.

Here is your 5% off coupon – FOURYEARS. This is stackable and expires April 16, 2022. (If you have more than one coupon, put both into the online form when you book.)

Pricing Updates

As we do every year, the administrative team at Salt and Sage Books has taken a close look at our prices compared to market value, factored in cost of living (the price of eggs these days!) and have made some adjustments.

Especially if you’re looking into sensitivity reading, our Incomplete Guides series was designed to be an intentionally low-priced entry point.

We also offer payment plans; just ask!

New price list from $62.50 to $490 for various services

Courses and Events

We are extremely excited to announce our newest endeavor of courses and events! This is a quarter two goal for our admin team, so we’ll be continuing to keep you updated as things go live.


Our talented editors are already working behind the scenes to bring you some incredible courses, and we cannot wait to show you what they’ve been working on. (One editor is really interested in Native representation in sci-fi; another has some genius re-imaginings of how to plot a novel; and a third is looking at how to improve representation in TTRPGs.)


We also intend to have monthly events discussing various areas of storytelling, publishing, representation, and intentional creation. You can follow us now on EventBrite, or sit tight and we’ll email you when those go live.

Video Chats

Thank you to everyone who asked if we could provide video chats! We are delighted to officially offer them.

These one-hour chats start at $240 and are a fabulous way to bounce ideas off of an editor, look into world building, or go over visuals in real time. (Price pre-April 16 is $190.)

Connect with our inbox team for more info and to see if your preferred editor offers video chats.


  1. How do I book? Fill out the form on our website or send an email to
  2. When do these prices go into effect? April 4, 2023
  3. What about my current edits? All current edits retain their originally booked prices.
  4. Can I book at your current prices? Yes! Any booking made between now and April 3 will receive our current pricing, with a cutoff date of May 1, 2023. This means that if you book tomorrow for April, you will get the old prices. If you book tomorrow for June, you will get the new prices.
  5. Some of the edit prices have increased quite a bit. Why is that? One of the hardest parts of having a service-based business is making sure that our employees are fairly paid for their labor. In the case of editorial work, it’s even harder to estimate the emotional labor for any given piece, especially with sensitivity reads! We’re grateful to the EFA for their market research so that we can help ensure equitable compensation for our excellent editors.
  6. How are the developmental edits split? These are split into five tiers so that you can get the feedback you need on a variety of budgets. Each increases in depth and content–you can see more detailed information on our website!
  7. Is there a tiered way to do a sensitivity read? You can always send in an outline to be sensitivity read if having your whole project read is cost-prohibitive. In fact, we’d highly recommend starting with having your outline looked at! You can also send in excerpts and a synopsis if that is more cost-effective for you.
  8. Do you offer payment plans? Yes! We can work with you up to 6 months in advance to get your edit financed. Just ask!
  9. What’s new about your line edits? We got your feedback that some of you don’t find style sheets super useful, especially for your standalone projects, so those are now optional (and come with a lower price).
  10. How do I know how much my edit will cost? Don’t panic, but math. Take the word count of your piece and multiply it by the small number just under each edit. So if you have a 50,000 word piece that you need a sensitivity read for, 50,000 x .024 = $1,200.

Thank you! Please reach out to the inbox team if you have any questions at all.

