Carrie loves the entire process of publishing a novel—from developing that brand new, exciting idea to formatting the words to look perfect on the page.She is sometimes intimidated by editing her own words, but she loves to read other writers’ works in progress to help make them the best they can be. An unfinished story is like a giant puzzle of ideas and emotions and words, just waiting to get every piece fit in the right place.

Carrie loves reading young adult books, especially fantasy or dystopian. She reads everything but dark horror, heavy sci-fi, and erotica. Her favorite book is BOOK OF A THOUSAND DAYS by Shannon Hale.

  Sensitivity / Expert

  • Parent of ADHD child
  • Diabetes
  • Difficult pregnancies
  • Athletics and subcultures (dance, gymnastics, weights)
  • Scuba diving

 Preferred Genres

Young Adult  Fantasy  Dystopian  Romcom 

 Avoided Genres

Dark Horror  Heavy Sci-Fi  Erotica 

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