Rebecca Blevins is the author of four published books. She has been freelance editing for several years and enjoys helping

clients put the final polish on their manuscripts. She reads The Chicago Manual of Style for fun, and her deep POV technique is currently taught in an English course at USU. She enjoys teaching classes at writing conferences and is currently pursuing her MFA at VCFA.

Her favorite manuscripts to work with are children’s chapter books and middle-grade fiction, adult contemporary speculative fiction, contemporary romance, and nonfiction.

Rebecca prefers her manuscripts PG-13 or lower. She is currently only doing proofreads for manuscripts that have previously had a line edit.

Meet Rebecca on our podcast!

  Sensitivity / Expert

  • Personal neurodivergent experience includes anxiety, clinical depression, unofficially diagnosed ADHD and OCD as well as dyscalculia.
  • Autistic
  • Parent of four children including three autistic sons (elementary, teen, adult), with all children having a mix of ADHD, OCD, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, and executive functioning challenges. Does not support Autism Speaks.
  • Brain health (OCD, general anxiety disorder, clinical depression, non-military PTSD, postpartum depression, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder, fat phobia)
  • Chronic illness
  • Sapiosexuality
  • Body positivity
  • Natural lifestyle (vegetarianism/veganism/plant-based eating, natural remedies, etc)
  • Homeschooling (graduating from, teaching own children, transitioning to public school)
  • High-risk pregnancy (bedrest, hyperemesis gravidarum, placenta previa, diabetes, traumatic birth)
  • Medical trauma, medical sexual assault
  • Midwestern USA
  • Certified group fitness instructor, dance fitness, weight training
  • Rural, small-town living
  • GED graduate
  • Growing up far below U.S. poverty line and on government welfare

 Preferred Genres

Children's  Middle Grade  Contemporary Romance  Romcom  Science Fiction  Nonfiction  Contemporary Fantasy 

 Avoided Genres

Erotica  Slasher Horror   

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