Don’t see the area of expertise you were hoping for? Email us at We have some hidden talents, and we’d love to know how we can better support the writing community!

Meet our Sensitivity & Expert Readers

Amy Bowen, LCMHC

Amy Bowen, LCMHC

  • PTSD, cPTSD, Trauma
  • Sexual assault, rape, abuse (including childhood)
  • Emotional and mental abuse (including narcissistic abuse)
  • Dissociation and dissociative disorders
  • Mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, personality disorders, etc.)
  • Therapy process

Rebecca Blevins

Rebecca Blevins

  • Personal neurodivergent experience includes anxiety, clinical depression, unofficially diagnosed ADHD and OCD as well as dyscalculia.
  • Autistic
  • Parent of four children including three autistic sons (elementary, teen, adult), with all children having a mix of ADHD, OCD, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, and executive functioning challenges. Does not support Autism Speaks.
  • Brain health (OCD, general anxiety disorder, clinical depression, non-military PTSD, postpartum depression, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder, fat phobia)
  • Chronic illness
  • Sapiosexuality
  • Body positivity
  • Natural lifestyle (vegetarianism/veganism/plant-based eating, natural remedies, etc)
  • Homeschooling (graduating from, teaching own children, transitioning to public school)
  • High-risk pregnancy (bedrest, hyperemesis gravidarum, placenta previa, diabetes, traumatic birth)
  • Medical trauma, medical sexual assault
  • Midwestern USA
  • Certified group fitness instructor, dance fitness, weight training
  • Rural, small-town living
  • GED graduate
  • Growing up far below U.S. poverty line and on government welfare

Helen Gould

Helen Gould

  • TTRPGs
  • Black and mixed-race people
  • Race relations within the UK
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Mental health, trauma, depression

Dr. D

Dr. D

  • Educational innovation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Improvisational theater and scientific communication
  • Physics
  • Computer security
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Experimental techniques in science
  • Preservation and restoration of Native American science and history
  • Clean energy
  • Data mining
  • Search for precursors



  • Korean American
  • Christian
  • Third culture kid (immigrant culture, code-switching)
  • Racism (microagressions, macroagressions, stereotypes, colorism, Eastern vs. Western beauty standards, etc.)
  • Ageism
  • Tokenism
  • Special needs education (ABA in home, school, and community settings; family support)

Mehr Husain

Mehr Husain

  • South Asian religions
  • South Asian culture and traditions
  • Pakistan, history and politics
  • Diaspora, South Asia in Britain

Neha Patel

Neha Patel

  • Indian culture
  • Hinduism
  • Immigrant experience of the Indian diaspora
  • Intergenerational trauma, casteism
  • Racism (including internalized racism, institutional racism, microaggressions, othering, colonialism, and colorism)
  • Living in the American South as a minority, being liberal in conservative environments, and experiencing culture shock
  • Women’s issues and feminism
  • Interests: literature, political discourse/current events, comedy, traveling and/or road tripping as a woman of color, history of the Western world, and Indian cooking
  • Locations: Southern California, the Deep South (Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama), Missouri, and Texas

Hinahina Gray

Hinahina Gray

  • Native Hawaiian and White
  • Hoʻomana Hawaiʻi
  • Māhū
  • Pansexual
  • Depression, anxiety, and PTSD
  • Indigenous Diaspora
  • Native Hawaiian Spiritualism
  • The Mixed-Race Experience

Fatin Marini

Fatin Marini

  • Palestinian culture
  • Arab rep
  • Islam
  • Muslim characters
  • Motherhood
  • Expat life
  • Arab diaspora

Mandy Ballard

Mandy Ballard

  • Death of a spouse, remarriage
  • Parenting/family dynamics
  • Homeschooling
  • Anxiety
  • Faith Transitions
  • Christianity
  • Mormonism
  • Tarot
  • Performing arts (musical theater, vocal/choral, piano, string instruments/orchestra, dance)
  • Fat representation
  • Body positivity and wellness
  • Yoga
  • Physical therapy
  • North American natural resources and wildlife
  • Homesteading (gardening, raising animals, related skills)
  • Cooking and baking



  • LGBTQ+ characters
  • Drag culture
  • Geek Culture (specifically Cosplaying and fan fiction)
  • ADHD (childhood and adult)
  • Anxiety, depression, PTSD
  • Pescatarian/vegetarian lifestyle
  • Feminism (working in a male dominate field)
  • Religious Upbringing (specifically Methodist and Catholic)
  • Abuse (physical, emotional, and sexual)
  • Dystonia
  • Bullying
  • Grief after death
  • Growing up in the South (specifically Virginia and North Carolina)
  • Working in publishing (specifically as a magazine intern and literary agent intern)
  • Therapy, specifically Behavioral Cognitive Therapy

Mikki Helmer

Mikki Helmer

  • LGBT issues, specific to Lesbian and Bi-sexual matters
  • Demisexuality
  • LGBTQIA intersectionality with mental health (depression, anxiety, bi-polar, manic cycles)
  • Mental health
  • LGBT intersectionality with religion (Mormonism, atheism, paganism, druidry)
  • Mormonism / Ex-Mormonism
  • Horses/Equestrian (Western riding, hunt seat, dressage, medieval riding, trick riding, vaulting, training, mares & foals/breeding, shoeing/farrier, endurance, mounted joust, equine armor, horse breeds and horse types, equine psychology and behavior, mounted fighting, mounted archery)
  • Falconry
  • Archery
  • Tea (history, brewing, holistic uses)
  • Western United States geography and survival

Kira Aitch

Kira Aitch

  • Black
  • Biracial/Multiracial
  • Pansexual/Queer
  • Wheelchair/Ambulatory Wheelchair Use
  • ADHD
  • Trichotillomania
  • OCD
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Meniere's Disease
  • Chronic Illness
  • Midwestern

Melanie K.

Melanie K.

  • Chinese-Canadian/Asian-American
  • Chinese diaspora culture
  • 2nd generational identity issues
  • Immigrant parents from British colony
  • Postcolonial ethnic relations
  • Catholicism and Catholic school
  • Racism
  • Fetishization
  • Interracial relationships
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Chronic illness (skin-related issues)
  • PTSD from chronic illness
  • Food history and culture
  • Art and design
  • Cultural anthropology

Heba Elsherief

Heba Elsherief

  • Muslim
  • Arab
  • Egyptian
  • Arab Diaspora
  • Post-Colonial People/Themes

Stefanie Molina

Stefanie Molina

  • Mexican American
  • Japanese American
  • Irish American
  • Mixed-race/multiethnic
  • Pansexual
  • Anxiety
  • Panic disorder
  • Emotional/psychological abuse
  • PTSD, particularly C-PTSD

Karen A. Parker, MFA

Karen A. Parker, MFA

  • White (German ancestry), Black (African American), Indigenous Native American heritage
  • "Sounding white," xenophobia, living in Japan as a foreigner
  • Languages: English and some Japanese
  • Bisexual, graysexual
  • Nonbinary, femme-presenting, masc-presenting, gender identity confusion, gender dysphoria
  • Generalized anxiety disorder, mild depression
  • Secular Buddhism, tarot, Western astrology, some Christianity
  • Puberty, PMS, menstruation, hormone cycles
  • Biracial upbringing
  • Middle class, college graduate
  • English literature, Japanese language and literature
  • Freelance, self-employment, contract-based employment
  • Creative writing, some musical composition knowledge
  • Running TTRPGs, livestreaming, video games, anime

Basil Wright

Basil Wright

  • African-American
  • Seminole
  • Southern Baptist
  • Hoodoo/General Witchcraft
  • Queer
  • Agender
  • Asexual
  • Autistic
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Physical disability (scoliosis, TBI)
  • Dyscalculia

Justin Ho

Justin Ho

  • Chinese American
  • Christian
  • LGBTQ+ community
  • Schizoaffective Disorder (Bipolar Type 1 + Schizophrenia)
  • Interpersonal, institutional, and internalized homophobia
  • Growing up in a Christian school
  • Growing up in Hawaii
  • Inpatient and outpatient mental health treatment
  • Gaming community experience
  • Stan culture (Pop stars, One Direction, K-pop)
  • Fan fiction reader and writer

Melissa Vera

Melissa Vera

  • Latine (Chicane and/or Mexican American)
  • 2nd Generation American
  • Conservative Christianity
  • Religious Disaffiliation
  • Queer, Gay, Bisexual
  • Demisexuality
  • OCD
  • ADHD
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • ARFID (Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Disordered Eating
  • Eating Disorder Partial Hospitalization
  • English/Spanish Code-switching
  • Interracial Relationships
  • Racism and Microaggressions
  • Familial Homophobia
  • Familial Estrangement
  • Parent with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • US/Mexico Border Culture
  • ABA Therapy
  • Locations: Ohio, Boston, San Francisco, Texas, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Al MacKay

Al MacKay

  • Transmasculinity / transgender men
  • Non-binary identity
  • Gay men & gay masculinity
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Late 2000s & early 2010s internet subcultures
  • Independent comics
  • Bullying (online, verbal, physical)
  • Filmmaking and film history
  • Intimate partner abuse / gaslighting
  • Autism

Sachiko Suzuki

Sachiko Suzuki

  • Japanese-American characters, history, and issues, including hafu/quafu life
  • White-presenting mixed-race; minority culture
  • Large family life, homeschooling
  • Traumatic childbirth, child loss, and grief
  • Christianity, Puritanism, and religious sensitivity; post-Mormon concerns
  • Trauma, sexual abuse/assault, PTSD, self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • Recovery life and therapy
  • Military life (specifically USAF)
  • Body positivity, fatphobia, and fat activism
  • Eating disorders
  • Special needs children, specifically: failure-to-thrive, genetic issues, and early intervention
  • Abusive relationships
  • Mental inpatient care

Taye Timko

Taye Timko

  • Biracial identity: Black and white; biracial identity struggles and white-passing privilege
  • African-Americans functioning in predominantly white spaces
  • Demiflux/agender/gender nonconforming
  • LGBTQ+ community, pansexual identity
  • Polyamorous, nonmonogamous, interracial relationships
  • Familial homophobia and racism (microaggressions, racism, culture erasure)
  • Infertility
  • Mental illness (depression, General Anxiety Disorder, CPTSD [based on childhood trauma and emotional abuse], executive dysfunction problems)
  • Issues related to fatness, fatphobia, body image, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders
  • Sports Knowledge: Basketball, ice hockey (all men’s team), football (all men’s team), rugby (women’s league)
  • Chronic Illness history (Autoimmune; chronic fatigue, pain management, chronic pain; spoonie culture)
  • Vegetarianism/Plant-based diet experience
  • Childhood chromesthesia; adult mirror-touch synesthesia
  • Educator (M.A. in teaching)

Nico Westbrook

Nico Westbrook

  • Black American
  • Microagressions
  • Racism
  • Being Black in predominantly white spaces
  • Interracial relationships
  • Biracial
  • Queer/LGTBQ characters and themes
  • Trans
  • Nonbinary
  • Gender nonconforming
  • Homophobic family
  • Polyamory
  • Neurodivergence (Autism and ADHD specifically)
  • Mental illness (Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD)
  • Chronic pain
  • Body image
  • Christianity
  • Gaming and TTRPGs
  • Coffee

Lune Dube

Lune Dube

  • Abenaki and Mohawk Native American
  • Ashkenazi Jewish
  • Biracial
  • Iroquois/Haudenosaunee History and Culture
  • Bisexual/Pansexual
  • Nonbinary: Two-Spirit
  • ADHD, Anxiety, C-PTSD, Depression, OCD
  • Childhood Trauma (Emotional, Sexual and Verbal Abuse)
  • Witchcraft and Paganism
  • Childcare and Summer Camps
  • Wilderness Education
  • Geek Culture

Ariane Resnick

Ariane Resnick

  • Jewish
  • Gay/lesbian
  • Racially ambiguous
  • Autism
  • Abusive relationship history
  • Partnered with trans men
  • Chronic illness history, working with chronically ill people
  • Birth trauma
  • Interracial relationships
  • Body positivity
  • Sexual and physical assault
  • Femme invisibility
  • Cookbooks, nutrition

Laz Shaak

Laz Shaak

  • White passing, assimilated mixed Métis
  • Transgender men
  • Invisible disability
  • Epilepsy, seizure disorder
  • Childhood transition / hormone replacement therapy as a teenager
  • Gay men / gay masculinity
  • Family estrangment
  • Low income, on disability benefits
  • Video games, including mobile games

Amy Derickson

Amy Derickson

  • Trans women
  • Nonbinary people
  • Relationships involving LGBTQ+ identities
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Pansexual/Bisexual
  • Drag Culture

Kim VanderHorst

Kim VanderHorst

  • Canadian
  • Autistic
  • Demisexual
  • Mental Health (ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, Suicidal Ideation)
  • Difficult Pregnancies & Miscarriage
  • Death of a Parent
  • Performing Arts (Music)

Nicholas Dante di Angelo

Nicholas Dante di Angelo

  • Black
  • Somali
  • Canadian
  • Islam
  • Gay
  • ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD
  • Bullying/abuse
  • CSA
  • Domestic violence
  • Body image
  • Tokenism

Nicole Hawken

Nicole Hawken

  • CFLE (Certified Family Life Educator)
  • Childbirth: traumatic, home, natural, PPD & PPA
  • Mental health, including anxiety, depression, addiction, CPTSD, bipolar, narcissism, and sociopathy
  • Sexual assault
  • Betrayal trauma
  • CBT therapy, DBT therapy, group therapy, marriage counseling, EMDR
  • Institutionalization (mental hospital)
  • Deconstruction from a high demand religion
  • LGBTQ+ ally
  • Parenting anxious and depressed children
  • Parenting neurodivergent children
  • Single parenting
  • Foster care and CPS intervention
  • Blended families & dysfunctional family systems
  • Family court
  • Locations: Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Texas, South Carolina, Colorado, Mississippi

Jordan Merica

Jordan Merica

  • Black Native/Afro-Indigenous Experiences
  • Critical Race Theory Research & Editing
  • Neurodivergence & Trauma Recovery: ADHD and CPTSD
  • Queer BIPOC Experiences
  • Black & Indigenous Womanist Theories
  • Indigenous Land Stewardship
  • Histories outside of White/Eurocentric Timelines
  • Decolonization of Museums and Anthropological Studies
  • Appalachian Environmental Justice & Rural Resistance

Veronica Vega

Veronica Vega

  • ADHD & ASD
  • Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
  • Trauma Associated with Childhood Bullying
  • Executive Dysfunction Associated with ADHD
  • Racism, Microaggressions, Racial Profiling
  • Fat Politics
  • LGBTQ+
  • Interracial Relationships, Racism & The Dating Scene
  • Math Anxiety and Dyscalculia
  • Afro-Latinx Culture
  • Immigrant Experience, Alien Status & Deportation Anxiety
  • Jamaican Patois, Patois, AAVE, Caribbean Dialects
  • The Caribbean
  • Eating Disorders (EDNOS, Binge Eating, Purging, Restriction & Food Obsession)
  • CBT
  • Catholicism
  • Multiculturalism in the USA (Specifically African American And Afro-Caribbean American Culture)
  • Music & Musical Theatre Major, Experience in Musical Theatre, Auditioning, Stage Management
  • Feminism
  • Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Swimming And CrossFit
  • Black Politics, Reparations, And Black Activism (BLM Etc.)
  • POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), GERD, Hidden Illnesses
  • Anxious Attachment
  • Weightlifting, Powerlifting and CrossFit
  • Fandom, Cosplay and Fanfic



  • Korean American
  • 2nd generation immigrants
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Chronic illness
  • Estrangement
  • Surgery
  • Multi-lingual households
  • Growing up in a white-dominated southern city as a person of color (specifically Charlottesville, Virginia)
  • Racism (including internalized racism and institutional racism)
  • Sexualization of East Asian women
  • Anti Asian abuse

Thais Carreira Afonso

Thais Carreira Afonso

  • Afro-Brazilian
  • Atheist
  • Queer

Neelam "Leona Maple" Gandevia

Neelam "Leona Maple" Gandevia

  • Asian
  • Indian
  • Indian culture
  • South Asian/Indo-Canadian/Gujarati
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • Hindu, mixed spiritual beliefs
  • Woman
  • Racism
  • Feminism, intersectional feminism, intersectionality
  • Demisexual, pansexual, and queer
  • Depression, anxiety, executive dysfunction

Cameron Van Sant

Cameron Van Sant

  • Transgender men
  • Pansexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, and questioning sexualities
  • Non-binary genders
  • Gender questioning
  • Christian Protestantism, ex-Christians

Ravi Teixeira

Ravi Teixeira

  • Transmasculine and nonbinary people
  • Mixed Cape Verdean
  • Mixed or light-skinned people of color
  • Hard of hearing
  • Mental illness
  • Comics, graphic novels, etc.

Madison Parrotta

Madison Parrotta

  • Italian
  • Bisexual
  • Disabled
  • Wheelchair user
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy
  • Disability in Theater
  • Surgery
  • Ableist Physician Experiences
  • Adaptive Technology
  • Physical Therapy
  • Medication
  • Alcoholism
  • Disabled Sexuality

Tova Seltzer

Tova Seltzer

  • Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism
  • Asexuality/the ace spectrum
  • Child of a same-sex couple and of separated/remarried same-sex parents
  • Conception via sperm donation
  • Phobias
  • Aromanticism
  • Tabletop gaming
  • Spanish language (working fluency, translation)

Jenna Beacom

Jenna Beacom

  • Deaf
  • ASL
  • Hard of Hearing
  • Cochlear implants
  • General disability representation

Al Ross

Al Ross

  • Non-binary Identity
  • Trans masc identity
  • Bisexuality
  • Non-binary Identity & Bisexuality Intersectionality
  • Ulcerative Colitis / IBD
  • General Anxiety & Panic Disorder
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • ADHD
  • Anthropology
  • Film/Television Production

Patricia Ruiz

Patricia Ruiz

  • Latinx women
  • Mixed race identity
  • Standard and regional Spanish language and culture (including translations)
  • Standard and regional French language and culture (including translations)
  • Latinx diaspora in the USA
  • Jewish identity and communities
  • Mental Illness (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
  • Body image and eating disorders
  • Translation checks: Spanish, French, German, and Brazilian Portuguese
  • Latinx culture (Puerto Rico, Cuban, Dominican, Caribbean), 1970s and 1980s Argentine history

Akelah Adams

Akelah Adams

  • African-American culture and issues
  • Military experience, including relocating and living on base
  • Latinx culture and issues
  • Racism
  • Asexuality spectrum
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatphobia
  • Death of a loved one
  • Family members getting cancer
  • The grieving process
  • Growing up in the U.S. South
  • City life
  • Going to school/university in a foreign country
  • Culture shock
  • Fostering and adopting
  • Comics, graphic novels, etc.
  • Video games

Savannah Tenderfoot

Savannah Tenderfoot

  • Ojibwe
  • Algonquin
  • Irish
  • British
  • Ashkenazi Jewish (Agnostic)
  • Anxiety & Depression

Cassiopeia Gatmaitan ("Cath")

Cassiopeia Gatmaitan ("Cath")

  • Filipino
  • Bisexual, demisexual
  • Non-binary/Gender non-conforming
  • Chronic pain
  • PTSD, depression, anxiety
  • Hard of hearing
  • Body image, eating disorders
  • Boxing
  • Political activism
  • Autism and ADHD
  • Asthma and other chronic respiratory issues

Lydia Suen

Lydia Suen

  • Chinese-American culture
  • The mixed-race experience
  • Children of immigrants
  • Tiger parents
  • Complex family relationships
  • Interracial romance
  • Faith transitions
  • Archery
  • Gamer culture
  • San Francisco Bay area
  • Ancient Chinese magic systems

David Pena

David Pena

  • LGBTQ+ culture and experiences, specifically Transgender Bisexual/Gay Men
  • Transmasculine experiences in Spain and the Netherlands
  • Spanish (Spain) culture
  • Only Girls education from 5y.o. until 18y.o.
  • Psychology - anxiety, depression, minority stress, eating disorders
  • Minor Spanish translations/slang use
  • Raised Catholic

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