• Jan 24, 2024
In Defense of Bad Book Beginnings

We all know the trope: Jessica woke up to her alarm clock. She stood in front of her full-length mirror in her bedroom and noted her icy blue eyes. Her luxurious chestnut hair glistened in the morning light. And on and on and on. It’s a faux pas at this point to start your story with the character looking in the mirror; some editors even say that it’s a red flag for a beginning writer.

  • Apr 22, 2020
Six Tips for Revising Your Manuscript

This is the second post in a two-part series about what to do after finishing your first draft of a book. Go here to read the first post: Six Tips on Preparing Your Newly Drafted Novel for Revision You’ve finished writing your book. You’ve prepared your newly drafted novel for revision, and now you’re on the beach and finally ready to begin your first major pass up Revision Mountain.

  • Jan 18, 2020
Six Tips on Preparing Your Newly Drafted Novel for Revision

The first time you write “the end” on a book is unforgettable. You’ve climbed the mountain, hauled yourself to that summit, and taken some time to appreciate the view. You’ve earned the right to sit in that warm sunlight and bask in the feeling of being on top of the world.

  • Oct 23, 2019
You've Finished a Book!....Now What?

You’ve finished a book! Congratulations! That is a major accomplishment. Take a moment to celebrate! We’ll even do a victory dance with you. *happy dancing* Now what? For most writers, the logical next step is to find an editor. Here are two questions writers often ask when looking for an editor: